English · Português
ISSN 0102-8529 (Impresso)
1982-0240 (Online)
PUC-Rio - Página inicial Instituto de Relações Internacionais Revista Contexto Internacional

Submission Guidelines

Scope and Policy

Contexto Internacional is committed to publishing analytically strong and theoretically original scholarship in International Relations and related fields. Contexto is particularly suited for innovative, investigative and exploratory articles that provide insight into the realities and situated knowledges that stem from and around the Global South.

Contexto Internacional is published in English three times a year. The editors invite submissions from researchers and practitioners from all over the globe, especially senior and junior scholars, and PhD students in the fields of International Relations, Political Science and related fields. The journal accepts submissions of research articles, review essays, book reviews as well as proposals for special issues, especially proposals centred on themes relevant tothe problems and political processes affecting the Global South and to the development of a more diverse understanding of International Relations.

Manuscripts may be submitted in English, French, Portuguese, or Spanish. Manuscripts are reviewed in the language of submission. If the review process results in a decision to publish, it is the responsibility of the author alone to translate the article into English. Contexto reserves the right to reject articles if the level of English is insufficient.

Authors should hold a PhD or be enrolled in a PhD program, and/or have a strong professional/academic background in International Relations, Political Science or related field at the time of submission. In co-authored manuscripts, at least one of the authors should meet that criteria fully. The editors will reject manuscripts before review if they are not suitable for the journal, for example, because of low adherence to Contexto’s editorial policy and scope, inadequate or imprecise analytical development, inconsistent formatting or non- compliance with our submission guidelines, and poor writing style (this list is not exhaustive).

Publication Process

Contexto Internacional adopts a rigorous six-phase publication process, as follows:

1.Administrative checklist:

      A submitted manuscript is firstly evaluated in relation to its conformity to the technical requirements of its corresponding type of submission. Technical requirements include minimum and maximum number of words, mandatory files in appropriate formats, among others (see the specific requirements to each type of submission in the section Manuscript Format and Structure below).

2.Preliminary evaluation:

      Once a manuscript has been approved by the administrative staff, itbecomes subject to a preliminary evaluation by the editors. This phase consists in the assessment of a manuscript’s adherence to the journal’s editorial policy and scope, as well as its overall quality. In cases of research articles, the failure to attend to such requirements may result in the decision to immediately reject the manuscript. Otherwise, the manuscript is assigned to external referees (see phase 3 below). In rare occasions a research article may be immediately accepted at this phase. Review essays and book reviews, on the other hand, are fully evaluated by the editors at this phase. Five distinct outcomes may result from the editors’ decision on these types of manuscripts: (1)Immediate Reject: the review essay/book review is rejected in its current form; (2) Immediate Reject and Resubmit (R&R): the review essay/book review is rejected in its current form, but the author(s) is/are encouraged to resubmit a comprehensive revised version within 180 days; (3) Immediate Major Revision: the review essay/book review is accepted with the condition that the author(s) meet s) the editors’ requests, and that a revised version is resubmitted within 60 days; (4) Immediate Minor Revision: the review essay/book review is accepted with the condition that the author(s) meet(s) the editors’ requests, and that a revised version is resubmitted within 30 days; (5) Immediate Accept: the review essay/book review is accepted in its current form.

3.Double-blind peer-review evaluation:

      Research articles approved in the previous phases are then anonymously assigned to at least two external referees at the discretion of the editorial committee. Priority is given to referees with widely recognized production on the same subject matter as the submitted research article. Following Contexto’s editorial policy, we strive to maintain a diverse geographical and gender distribution of peer reviewers. The complete list of referees is published every two years. The response from this first round of reviews will normally be provided within 120 days from the date of submission. In cases of disparate evaluation by peer reviewers, the manuscript is typically assigned to a third referee. In cases like this, the timeframe of the evaluation process may be extended by about 40 additional days. Based upon the external referees’ reviews, an Associate Editor further evaluates the manuscript and commits a final recommendation to the Editor-in- Chief.

4.Editorial decision:

      Five possible editorial decisions may result from the overall evaluation process described above: (1) Reject: the research article is rejected in its current form; (2) Reject and Resubmit (R&R): the research article is rejected in its current form, but the author(s) is/are encouraged to resubmit a comprehensive revised version within 180 days; (3) Major Revision: the research article is accepted with the condition that the author(s) meet(s) both the referees’ and the editors’ requests, and that a revised version is resubmitted within 60 days; (4) Minor Revision: the research article is accepted with the condition that the author(s) meet(s) both the referees’ and editors’ requests, and that a revised version is resubmitted within 30 days; (5) Accept: the research article is accepted in its current form. In cases of R&R, Major Revision and Minor Revision, the revised manuscript is submitted to a second round of evaluation by peer reviewers and editors. The response will normally be provided within 120-160 days from the date of resubmission.


      Once a manuscript is approved for publication, it goes through a thorough copy-editing process for linguistic and stylistic revision. Proposed changes are normally sent off for author’s approval within 20-30 days from the manuscript approval date. Authors are expected to meet the copy-editor’s requests and return the revised manuscript within 48 hours of receipt. This revision process may occur more than once until a definitive version of the text is finally approved by the editors.

6.Proofreading and publication:

    This phase consists of creating and revising the PDF proofs of an accepted manuscript until a final proof is approved, and subsequently published online and in print. Authors are expected to correct and return proofs of accepted manuscripts within 48 hours of receipt. The manuscript is normally published online within 30 days from the proof approval date, and published in print after 30 additional days.

Contexto does not charge submission or review fees.


Manuscript Format and Structure

Contexto Internacional uses ScholarOne Manuscripts to peer review manuscript submissions. Please read the guide for ScholarOne authors before making a submission: http://authorservices.taylorandfrancis.com/category/making-your-submission. Complete guidelines for preparing and submitting your manuscript to this journal are provided below.

Contexto Internacional considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that they have been submitted only to Contexto, that they have not been published already, nor are they under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere. Contributions to Contexto must report original research and will be subjected to review by referees at the discretion of the Editorial Committee.

General guidelines

  • Manuscripts should be written in Times New Roman, size 12, space between lines 1.5 throughout the manuscript (including all quotations, endnotes and references).
  • Pages should be numbered consecutively.
  • Notes should be listed consecutively at the end of the article (endnotes), and clearly marked in the text at the point of punctuation by superior numbers. Endnotes should be used for clarification purposes only.
  • Manuscripts must be submitted in Word format (.doc or .docx). PDF files will not be accepted.
  • All the authors of a paper must attach their short curriculum vitae (CV), which must consist of a single one paragraph-text of 100-120 words in length, each.
  • The affiliations of all named co-authors should be the affiliation where the research was conducted. If any of the named co-authors moves affiliation during the peer review process, the new affiliation can be given as a footnote. Please note that no changes to affiliation can be made after the article is accepted.
  • All manuscripts submitted to Contexto should be free from jargon and be written as clearly and concisely as possible. Non-discriminatory language is mandatory. Sexist or racist terms must not be used. Articles should be properly referenced following the Harvard Referencing System and strictly follow Contexto Internacional’s style norms (see Style Guidelines below).
  • All submissions should be made online via Contexto Internacional ScholarOne Manuscripts site, except for special issue proposals, which should be emailed (see Remittance of Manuscripts below).

Research Articles

Research articles should be based on original research and develop an original argument falling within the scope of journal. The articles are subjected to blind peer review. Research articles should be 7000-10000 words in length (including notes and references), and include:

  • Title
  • Abstract of up to 200 words
  • 5-7 keywords
  • Main text
  • References
  • Endnotes (if appropriate)
  • Acknowledgements (if appropriate)
  • Author(s) short bio(s)
  • Table(s) and Figure(s) with caption(s) (on individual files) (if appropriate).Obs: Tables should be in Word format (doc or docx.) and figures in jpeg at 300 dpi.

Review Essays

Review essays should cover a specific set of literatures, authors or traditions of thought. They should be written with the aim of communicating the contributions of these literatures to the Contexto audience. Reviews of literatures in/of the Global South are particularly welcome. Review essays will be subjected to blind peer review. Review essays should not exceed 6000 words in length (including notes and references).

Book Reviews

Contexto invites publications of book reviews falling within the scope of the journal. A book review should cover at least one recently published book. Book reviews are not subject to blind peer review and will be evaluated by the editorial team. Book reviews should not exceed 1000 words in length (including notes and references).

Special Issue Proposals

Contexto welcomes proposals for special issues. A special issue includes 5-7 research articles speaking to a common theme / set of questions. In collaboration with the Contexto editorial team, the Guest Editor(s) will select articles for review, oversee the peer review process, and be involved in finalizing the editorial. Guest Editor(s) should expect to develop the special issue in dialogue with the editorial team and must be prepared to respect and enforce the deadlines agreed upon in this process. Special Issue proposals should not exceed 4000 words in length (including notes and references), and should include:

  • Title of Special Issue
  • Name, affiliation, contact details, and short bio of Guest Editor(s)
  • Brief statement about the issue theme
  • A rationale justifying the proposal
  • Titles, abstracts, and five keywords of any article the Guest Editor would like to include
  • Names, affiliation, and contact details of each contributor
    Note: Articles submitted for special issues should follow the standard guidelines for manuscript submissions and will be subjected to the same blind peer review process as regular manuscripts.

Style Guidelines

Authors are expected to follow the Harvard Referencing System , also known as author-date system. All manuscripts should follow Contexto Internacional Style Guide available here: CINT Style Guide


Remittance of Manuscripts

Research articles, review essays, and book reviewsshould be made online at Contexto Internacional ScholarOne website: https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/cint-scielo. New users should first create an account. Once logged on to the site, submissions should be made via the Author Centre. Online user guides and access to a helpdesk are available on this website.

Special issue proposals should be submitted via Contexto’s email address: cintjournal@puc-rio.br.

All manuscripts should be submitted in Word format (.doc or .docx), and strictly follow the instructions to authors described in Manuscript Format and Structure section above.


IRI Instituto de Relações Internacionais
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 - Vila dos Diretórios, Casa 20, Gávea - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil
Tel/Fax: +55 21 3527-1557 3527-1558 3527-1560