English · Português
ISSN 0102-8529 (Impresso)
1982-0240 (Online)
PUC-Rio - Página inicial Instituto de Relações Internacionais Revista Contexto Internacional

Vol. 39, N° 2, May/Aug, 2017

Think Piece: The Enabling Power of the Oceans

Antonio Ruy de Almeida Silva


The importance of the oceans to humankind has been studied throughout the centuries, including in the fields of co-operation and conflict. This think piece synthesises discussions in international politics of some of the characteristics of oceans, especially discussions in the strategic-military domain, It contests those who consider oceans as a “barrier”, and alternatively defends that oceans are a critical enabler that allows the generation of wealth, projection of military forces, and the influence of the international politics in war or peace.

Keywords: International Politics; International Security; Military Power; Sea Power; Naval Power.

DOWNLOAD: The Enabling Power of the Oceans


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