English · Português
ISSN 0102-8529 (Impresso)
1982-0240 (Online)
PUC-Rio - Página inicial Instituto de Relações Internacionais Revista Contexto Internacional

Vol. 43, Nº 3, Set/Dez, 2021

About the authors

André Luiz Cançado Motta is a Master Candidate of Political Science at the
Department of Political Science of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). He
holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the same university. He
is an Assistant Researcher at the Global Studies Group at the Federal University
of Goiás since 2018. He also works as Po- litical Advisor at the House of
Representatives for the state of Goiás. He was editor of the Bulletin of the
Brazilian Political Science Association (ABCP) of the Centre-North region
between 2019-2020. He has publications in the scientific areas of International
Relations, as well as collaborations in digitally broadcast newspapers (LeMonde,
Estadão and Jornal UFG).

André Pimentel Ferreira Leão is a PhD candidate in Political Science at the
Institute of Social and Political Studies of the State University of Rio de Janeiro
(IESP/UERJ). He holds a Master’s degree in Political Science from the State
University of Campinas (2016) and a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations
from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (2010). He integrates two
research centres: Núcleo de Estudos Atores e Agendas de Política Externa
(NEAAPE) and the Observatório Político Sul-Americano (OPSA), both from
IESP. He develops research mainly in the areas of public policy, foreign policy
analysis, Brazilian foreign policy, social policies, regional integration, and South-
South cooperation.

Bruno Hendler is Adjunct Professor of International Relations at the Federal
University of Santa Maria (UFSM). He holds a PhD of International Political
Economy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), a master’s
degree of International Relations from the University of Brasília (UnB). He
coordinates the Research Group on Pacific-Asia (GEAP-UFSM) and is a research
member at the Research Group on the Political Economy of the World-Systems
(GPEPSM-UFSC). He has published widely on China’s rise in the 21st century;
China’s pre-modern tributary system; China-Southeast Asia relations; Chi- na-US
relations; World-System Analysis; and International Political Economy. His latest
publication is a chapter in the book “China Contemporânea”, edited by Ricardo
Musse and published by Editora Autêntica (2021).

Cairo Gabriel Borges Junqueira is a Professor at the International Relations
Department of the Federal University of Sergipe (DRI/UFS). He holds a PhD in
International Relations at San Tiago Dantas Program (UNESP/UNICAMP/PUC-
SP) funded by CAPES, MA in International Relations at University of Brasília
(UnB) also funded by CAPES, and BA in International Relations at São Paulo
State University (UNESP) funded by FAPESP. His areas of research include
International Institutions, Regional Integration, Regionalism and Paradiplomacy.
He is a member of the Regionalism Observatory (ODR), the Núcleo de Estudos
de Políticas Públicas (NEPPs), the Grupo de Reflexión sobre Integración y
Desarrollo en América Latina y Europa (GRIDALE) and the Fórum Universitário
Mercosul (FoMerco); and Coordinator of the International and South American
Politics Research Group (GP-SUL).

Dawisson Belém Lopes is a Professor of International and Comparative Politics
at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and a research fellow of the
National Council for Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq) in
Brazil. He is currently the Deputy Dean for International Affairs at UFMG and
has authored/edited ten books and dozens of peer-reviewed articles on topics
related to Latin American politics, Brazilian foreign policy, and international
institutions. Professor Lopes has previously served as visiting researcher at
Germany’s GIGA Hamburg, visiting Professor at the Catholic University of
Louvain in Mons, Belgium, Raisina Young Fellow at India’s Observer Research
Foundation, and US Department of State ‘SUSI Scholar’ on Foreign Policy. His
curriculum vitae can be found at http://lattes.cnpq.br/2002314936671237. His
Twitter handle is @dbelemlopes.

João Paulo Nicolini Gabriel is a Ph.D. candidate in Political Science at the
Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and, simultaneously, at the
Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), due to a co-tutorship agreement
signed in 2021. His Ph.D. dis- sertation addresses macro-structural causes that
drove emerging powers not to adhere to multilateral non-proliferation
mechanisms during the Cold War. He earned a master’s degree in International
Relations from the San Tiago Dantas Postgraduate Program in International
Relations (São Paulo State University - UNESP/University of Campinas -
UNICAMP/Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - PUC-SP). His research
expertise is in IR theory, Indo-Pacific studies, qualitative methods, ethnic interest
groups, Indian foreign policy, and comparative politics. His curriculum vitae can
be found at lattes.cnpq. br/9356537757576148. His Twitter handle is

João Fernando Finazzi holds a Master’s degree and is a Ph.D. candidate at the
Interinstitutional Graduate Program in International Relations San Tiago Dantas
from the São Paulo State University (UNESP), the University of Campinas
(UNICAMP) and the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). He
is currently temporary Teaching Assistant at the Pontifical Catholic University of
Minas Gerais (PUC-MG) and was a Lecturer (2019) at the Department of
International Relations at PUC-SP. He is also a member of the National Institute
of Science and Technology for the Study of the United States (INCT-INEU) and
the Research Group on International Conflicts (GECI/PUC-SP). His current
research interests are US foreign policy, security sector reform, peacebuilding
operations and US-Haiti relations.

Jonathan Raphael Vieira da Rosa is a PhD candidate at the Bremen
International Grad- uate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS), a joint program of
the University of Bremen and Jacobs University, and an early-stage researcher
under the EU COFUND Marie Sk- lodowska-Curie Actions. He holds a
Bachelor’s (2013) and a Master’s degree (2015) in International Relations from
the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). From 2015 to 2017, he worked
as a temporary lecturer at the Department of Economics and Interna- tional
Relations at UFSC, where he taught International Relations Theory and Brazilian
Foreign Policy. His research interests are emerging powers, BRICS, foreign
policy analysis, role theory, and climate change negotiations.

Leandro Wolpert dos Santos is a PhD candidate in Political Science at the
Institute of Social and Political Studies of the State University of Rio de Janeiro
(IESP/UERJ). He holds a Bachelor’s (2014) and a Master’s degree (2016) in
International Relations from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). He
is a member of the research centres Núcleo de Estudos Atores e Agendas de
Política Externa (NEAAPE) and Observatório Político Sul-Americano (OPSA),
both from IESP and is Executive editor of the journal Boletim NEAAPE and
editor of the publication Conjuntura Latitude Sul. His research interests are
foreign policy analysis, Brazilian foreign policy, South American politics and
international politics.

María Belén Jaime holds a Degree (BA) in International Relations from the
Catholic Uni- versity of Córdoba (UCC). She is a current member of the research
project “Conditions and interests in international relations between South
America and East Asia” at the UCC in Córdoba, Argentina.

Mariela Cuadro holds a PhD in International Relations (Universidad Nacional
de La Plata, Argentina). She is a sociologist at the Universidad de Buenos Aires,
Argentina, and a researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Políticas/Escuela
de Política y Gobierno- Universidad Nacional de San Martín (IIP/EPyG-
UNSAM) and at the National Council of Research (CONICET). She also is
Professor of the Theory of International Relations at the undergraduate and
postgraduate level at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina and
Director of the International Relations program at the Universidad Nacional de
San Martín. Her latest articles include: ‘The International and the Global. Global
Governmentality: Analytics and Practice of Government’ (Colombia
Internacional, 2020); ‘Knowledge, Subject, Power: Constituting the
Extremist/Moderate Subject’ (Manchester University Press, 2020); ‘International
Relations and Peripheral Orientalism: Sectarian Readings from Latin America’
(CIDOB Revista d’Afers Internacionals, 2019).

Thales Carvalho is a Ph.D. candidate in Political Science at the Federal
University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), and visiting graduate student at the
University of California, San Diego, at the Department of Political Science. He
earned a master’s degree in Political Science from UFMG and a bachelor’s
degree in International Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas
Gerais (PUC-MG). He is also a member of the International Institutions, Foreign
Policy, and Political Regimes Research Network (RIPPERP). His re- search
focuses on international security and defense policies in Latin America,
especially on identifying how domestic and international variables interact to
produce these policies. His research interests also include foreign policy,
quantitative methods, scientometrics, and policy diffusion. His curriculum vitae
can be found at https://tlcarvalho.netlify.app/ media/cv.html. His Twitter handle
is @thaleslcarvalho.

Virginia Soledad Busilli holds a BA Degree in International Relations from the
21st Century Business University in Córdoba, Argentina. She also holds a
Master’s Degree in Chinese Economy, Culture and Society from the Alcalá de
Henares University in Madrid, Spain. She is currently a PhD candidate in Social
Studies of Latin America at the Nation- al University of Córdoba in Córdoba,
Argentina. She is a CIECS/CONICET (National Council for Scientific and
Technical Research, Argentina) doctoral fellow, an Adjunct Pro- fessor at the
Catholic University of Córdoba (UCC), and a member of the research project
“Determinants and interests in international relations between South America and
East Asia” at the UCC


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